Directors and Officers Insurance
There are several risks associated with the running of any type of business, from the smallest family owned company through to the biggest listed multinational.
Directors & Officers Liability covers the personal liability of all those involved in decision-making at
the business.
We provide you with peace of mind
We can provide guidance to help you understand where weaknesses exist in your current arrangements and discuss an insurance policy that better suits your needs, and obtain specialist cover from insurers who are entirely aware of and comfortable with your homes unique features – providing you with peace of mind.
The truth is, sadly, you only know the true value of insurance in the unfortunate event of a claim. Underinsurance occurs when you have not taken out the right amount of insurance cover for your
needs and is why regular valuations are so important.

Speak to one of our experts
Contact us to arrange a confidential appointment.
No matter how complex your needs, speak to one of our experienced advisors in confidence