Professional Indemnity Insurance
We have significant experience and knowledge in providing Professional Indemnity Insurance across a range of sectors including:
Estate Agents
Management Consultants
Managing Agents
We provide you with peace of mind
Professional indemnity insurance will protect your business if someone makes a claim against you and your business is found to have provided por advice which has resulted in your client being financially damaged.
Although Professional Indemnity Insurance isn’t a legal requirement, not having it could mean that if something does go wrong for a client following your advice, your business could be responsible for the legal fees, expenses, compensation costs or other costs incurred in your defence.
Many clients will require that you have professional indemnity insurance in place before you can start working for them.
You should consider Professional Indemnity Insurance if you provide advice and consultancy.

Speak to one of our experts
Contact us to arrange a confidential appointment.
No matter how complex your needs, speak to one of our experienced advisors in confidence