COVID-19: Unoccupied Commercial Property Conditions

Due to Government advice and restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 lockdown, the continued closure of many businesses throughout the UK and indeed around the world has seen a large number of unoccupied businesses and commercial buildings. Unoccupied buildings,...

Covid-19 measures: to May 2020 update

Following the range of updates over the last several weeks, we have now rounded up the latest information from the government on specific schemes where additional detail was released. This update covers measures through to 22 May. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme...

Covid-19 measures: 4 May 2020 update

Following the range of updates over the last several weeks, we have now rounded up the latest information from the government on specific schemes where additional detail was released. This update covers measures discussed on 4 May. Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) The...

Updated Covid-19 measures: to 27 April 2020

Changes since last bulletin on 20 April 2020 Bounce back loan scheme launched with 100% government guarantee. Possible shape of Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme after the end of June. Abandonment of requirement for forward-looking financial information or business...

Covid-19 measures: to 20 April 2020 UPDATED

Changes since last bulletin on 3 April 2020 Cut-off date for individual eligibility for Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) moved to 19 March 2020. CJRS extended to 30 June. Revised eligibility requirements for Self-employed Income Support Scheme. New £1.25...
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