Financial Focus: Spring 2023

Financial Focus: Spring 2023

In this issue… The reappearance of a full Budget in March almost three years after the start of the pandemic marked a return to ‘business as usual’. The circumstances, however, with record inflation and a cost of living crisis, are anything but usual. Although...
Financial Focus: Winter 2022

Financial Focus: Winter 2022

In this issue… The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement delivered both expectations and some surprises: two-year extensions on the tax threshold freezes, scaled back financial support for energy bills and cuts on both  dividend allowances and capital gains...
Financial Focus: Autumn 2022

Financial Focus: Autumn 2022

In this issue… Many have turned to savings to help meet their increased costs and in this edition we look at different aspects of the problem. For those eligible to draw down pension lump sums, the short term gain in funds could store up future problems in...
Financial Focus: Summer 2020

Financial Focus: Summer 2020

No one could have predicted how the last few months have turned out. The disruption to everyday life seems set to continue, with coronavirus lockdown measures easing but still bringing us nowhere near to our to ‘pre-Covid-19’ lives. The same can be said...
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